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Catholic Life and Mission

Faith in Action

We serve our parish and local community in many ways, sharing God's love with others whenever we can.

Some ways in which we do this are:

  • We hold special, reflective services and assemblies for the whole school community, especially during Advent and Holy Week.
  • Good Work is celebrated in assembly every Thursday
  • We liaise closely with our parish priest in preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation.
  • Children participate termly in parish Mass.
  • Workshops are arranged for various classes linked to RE topics.


Throughout the year we support many different charities.

Staff, pupils and families are always extremely generous in their support of others. Money is raised through fundraising events, fairs and charitable donations from the whole school community.

In recent years we have made donations to  Cafod,  Children in Need we support local charities in the time of economic crisis our focus over the last year has been to support the Pontypridd Foodbank. Parents have given generously to support families in our local community.


We are working this year to re establish our links through Pont with our school in Africa.

This school relies on charitable support to provide local children with an education that they otherwise would not receive.

Our Jesuit Monitor lead has designed a logo for their action plans

Dougie is going to be joining us. Links with Cardinal Newman and we know Dougie will be very welcome.


New Year 2024 


Introducing our Jesuit focus    Loving and Compassionate

Autumn 2 


End of term - Happy Christmas everyone

The school choir shared their singing at our local Tesco - sharing the Christmas spirit with the community

Wednesday Word led by Mrs Williams in the school Chapel

Collective Worship led by pupils, staff and SLT

Advent at St Michaels

Autumn 2023 


Welcome back to the new term.

Summer 2023

This term the pupils have been learning about the role the Holy Spirit plays within our lives. 

The Holy Spirit gives us the courage and confidence to stand up for what we believe to be right. We are able to live and demonstrate the 'Gospel Values' especially to Love one another....


The Jesuit Senedd group this term did fundraising for Hope Rescue by organising a successful bake sale.



Pastor Gareth joined us last week to celebrate the feast day of St Peter and St Paul and the contribution they made to the ministry of the church 





Our First Minister and Deputies represented the school as they attended the Installation Mass for Pastor Gareth that took place at All Hallows Church 



As a school community we celebrated First Holy Communion Masses and reflected on the significance of our special relationship with God.




The pupils have been involved this term in working with the 4 parishes to come up with a name to unify the churches moving forward. The new parish is Our Lady of the Valleys.




During May we remembered Mary the Mother of the Church and reflected on her life and the importance of all mothers. 



Our youngest pupils led a procession around the school that led to the prayer garden where they crowned 'Our Lady ' with flowers. 






Spring 2023

This term we have been focusing on developing our Prayer Garden.




On May 5th 2023 Pastor Gareth came to celebrate with us as we dedicated our new Prayer Garden.



Advent 2022

To help our families prepare for Christmas we have sent home Advent packs. With a candle, prayer card and calendar. 
We hope it encourages our families to pray together during this special season. 


Jesuit Virtues 

Each half term, we are focusing on a different pair of words and thinking about how we can grow more like Jesus in our daily lives:

Grateful and Generous
Attentive and Discerning
Compassionate and Loving
Faith-filled and Hopeful
Eloquent and Truthful
Learned and Wise
Curious and Active
Intentional and Prophetic


Rewards and Celebrations 

Pupils are awarded each week for following our Golden Rules, Welsh language and Jesuit Values 



Collective Worship 

Weekly opportunities to pray together and listen to the Word Of God happen in each class, progression step and whole school. 

Our School Senedd 

We have a First Minster and 2 Deputy Leads that are encouraged to make decisions, support our community and follow St Michaels Way. 
