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Year 2 - Blwyddyn Dau

Welcome To Year 2!

Croeso i Blwyddyn 2!



Year 2 Staff 

Class Teacher 

Mrs Sims


Teaching Assistants

Mrs Hawkey





Important Dates

Monday 6th January - Return to school.

Friday 10th January - INSET DAY 
Monday 3rd February - Year 4 and Year 2 Mass.
Monday 23rd February until Friday 28th February - HALF TERM
Monday 3rd March - Return to school / School mass in St Dyfrigs (parents welcome). 
Thursday 6th March - Eisteddfod.
Friday 7th March - Eisteddfod Parent coffee morning. 
Monday 10th March - World Book Day (dress up as a book character)
Monday 10th / Tuesday 11th March - Parents Evening (information to follow soon). 
Friday 11th April - Last day of term.

RE Galilee to Jerusalem
Branch 3
Topic'Heroes and Villains' - Power of Reading 



Please also see our school Twitter page @stmichaels or our class Seesaw account for further information and updates.  

Our Class Learning Journey


Week Beginning Monday 27th January 2025

In RE we have looked at the passage of Jesus being rejected in Nazareth. We were able to look and understand what Jesus read on the scroll by looking at the meaning of the words. We discussed how the people in the synagogue might have felt when Jesus read from the scroll. We hot seated and role played as Jesus and the people in the synagogue.

We have learnt about Chinese New Year on Wednesday as we welcomed the year of the snake. We were able to research facts about snakes, order the winning animals from the Great Race (Chinese zodiac) and practise our Chinese calligraphy by making red banners in our continuous provision. We wrote facts about how people celebrate Chinese New Year in the UK and abroad.

We have been helping Humpty Dumpty investigate the properties of materials in Science this week. He needed our help to find the best material to help him from not breaking when he falls off the wall! We made hypothesis and put to the test whether Humpty would break on different types of materials.

Week Beginning Monday 20th January 2025

In Literacy, we have listened to the story of The Three Little Pigs as we start our narrative journey. We made a story mountain and know the exact events of the story as well as key vocabulary before re-writing the story independently.

In RE this week, we looked closely at Nazareth this week and where Jesus would have grown up before he went off to teach around Galilee. We looked at what Nazareth would have been like year ago by discussing clothing, food, homes and jobs. We used green screen into Nazareth feeding families, picking olives, looking after sheep and cleaning our homes.

We were excited to welcome two fire fighters into class as they told us about Sparc the Dragon who got himself into some trouble. We discussed and learnt about fire safety at home. We know that we need to 1) tell someone if we see a fire, 2) leave our home, 3) call 999.
We asked the firefighters many questions about keeping safe at home and in our community.

Week Beginning Monday 13th January 2025

This spring term, in science, we will be looking closely at materials. We have found out all the different types of materials that we can find in school and at home. We discussed how some materials are better than other for certain objects. For example; window should be made of glass to keep us safe and warm – they should not be made out of fabric as they will get damaged by the weather.

In Maths, we have continued to use and add money together this week. We have learnt how to make different amounts using notes, pound coins and pences. This was a bit of a challenge for us but we enjoyed it! We have also been able to look at financial literacy by exploring why we would spend and save our money. This was a very interesting topic which we now know that we need to spend for items or things that we need and save for things or items that we really want.

In RE,  we have looked closely at Mary this week and why we say ‘Hail Mary’ as well as why a rosary is important. Did you know that the rosary is also known as a ‘garden of prayers’?  We embraced this and created our own large-scale class rosary and prayed to Holy Mother.

Week Beginning Monday 6th January 2025


Welcome back to our spring term! 
We have lots of exciting learning planned for this term and we look forward in sharing it with you all. 


This week we settled back into school after our lovely break. We were able to share all our news and talked about New Year's resolutions. We decided to make our own resolutions which some of them were lovely, funny and adventurous! 

In topic, we discussed the our new topic 'Heroes and Villains' in which we were able to tell the adults and our peers what we wanted to learn about. 
Here are a few ideas that have some up in our pupil voice session:
- What is a hero and villain?
- What is the difference between a hero and superhero?
- Are all heroes good? and villains bad?
- Can animals be heroes?
- Do we have real heroes in our lives?
- Can we identify heroes in traditional tales, chapter books, films, poems etc? 
(Real Heroes we would like to explore: Florence Nightingale, Grace Darling, Mary Seacole, Neil Armstrong).
(Welsh Heroes we would like to explore: Gelert, Owain Glyndwr). 


In maths, we have been looking closely at money. We have been recognising at pences, pounds and notes. we have started to look at money problems which have been tricky but lots of fun! 

Week Beginning Monday 9th December

In RE, we have continued to look at the infancy narrative by looking at The Visitation of Mary and Elizabeth, The Birth of John the Baptist and of course the Birth of Jesus. We were able to discuss our favourite narrative.


In Maths, we have been comparing numbers (2 and 3 digits) by using the language greater than, lesser than and equals to with the help of the Number Gator!

We have been busy performing this week and we are proud of all our hard work. We hope our parents, families and friends have enjoyed our performances as much as we have!  

Number Gators (Greater Than, Less Than Symbols Song)

Week Beginning Monday 2nd December

This week, we got our classroom ready for advent by having a special collective worship around an advent wreath. We discussed why a wreath is special and the symbolism of each candle. We welcomed Luke by looking at the infancy narrative and sequencing those important stories. We explored the Annunciation of John the Baptist and the Annunciation of Jesus.

In Literacy we made predictions based on a John Lewis Christmas advert. We looked at the story of Edgar the Dragon and discussed/ wrote about what the little girl gave the dragon after destroying all the fun festive activities (we didn’t mean to – he was just too excited!).

In Welsh, we have been looking naming our different body parts and learnt a new song!

Pen,ysgwyddau, coesau traed i ddysgwyr

Fersiwn araf o pen, ysgwyddau, coesau, traed - addas i ddysgwyr. A very slow and simple version of Head, shoulders, knees and toes in Welsh - with encouragement to practice the pronunciation of each body part at the beginning. Suitable for Welsh learners.


Week Beginning Monday 25th November

We finished our topic this week by discussing what we would like to be when we grow up. We could write why and describe all the different roles/ attributes and qualities we would need to be what we want to be!

In Maths, we have looked at temperature by looking closely at thermometers after having a big discussion about how cold the weather has been recently. We could compare different temperatures and knew that some places in the world are hotter or colder than others.

We were able to create a piece of art work after being inspired by Rhiannon Art. We drew Treforest, Pontypridd or our towns and added lots of colours to make our images pop! We took our time and put a lot of detail in our work. We knew to create a rainbow effect like Rhiannon, we needed to mix water colours.

About Rhiannon Art

Week Beginning Monday 18th November

In Topic, we have made persuasive posters to let everyone know about our wonderful town Pontypridd and Treforest. We researched interesting facts about Pontypridd and created a fun poster to describe why visitors should come and visit our town by using exciting language with the use of adjectives.

In Maths, we looked at 2D and 3D shapes by exploring their features. We learnt new vocabulary like edges, faces and vertices.

In RE, we started look think about Luke, as we prepare to welcome his gospel in December. We opened our bible to find out where he is in the new testament and looked at the different titles that we could see in his gospel. We also found out that Luke wrote about Jesus years after he died.

Week Beginning Monday 11th November


In Maths, we have been learning about our number bonds to 100 by looking at the patterns when looking at number bonds to 10. We know that 6+4 = 10 so 60+40=100.
We used numicons and dienes to help us understand visually and pictorially.


In RE, we looked the celebration of the Festival of Lights which is called Diwali. We looked at the Hindu story of Rama and Sita in which we learnt why Hindus find this story important to them. We found out that it is the Hindu New Year and they celebrate Diwali by watching firework displays, eat delicious food with family, wear new clothes and of course decorate their homes with candles and lights. They also open their doors and windows for the Goddess Lakshmi to let ‘Good Luck, Health and Wealth’ into their homes.

Week Beginning Monday 4th November 


This week we have been settling back into school after our half term break. 
In literacy, we looked at a picture of a famous person and thought about different questions we could ask this person by concentrating on key words such as - who, why, what, where, when, how. We also looked at the importance of using a question mark when writing questions. 


Week Beginning Monday 23rd September 

This week we have been focusing on different careers that people in our community have. We were able to recall all the different shops, jobs and professions people have in Treforest as we reflect on our walk from last week. 

We wrote questions for our special visitors who came on Tuesday. We asked questions like;
- Do you enjoy your job?
- What are the challenges in your job?
- How many hours a week do you work?
- Did you go to university?
- How long have you been in your job?


We were so excited to welcome our visitors, thank you to all the parents who were able to make our day exciting! 


We were lucky to welcome;

Dr Mahoney-Davies a child psychologist
Mrs Promise a mental health nurse
Mr Sutton a microbiologist
Mr Marenghi an animator and artist
Mrs Alabi a project researcher
Mr Matt a firefighter 
Mrs Beamand a road safety expert





In RE, we were able to focus on the Creation story from Genesis and retell it in our own words using props. This helped to sequence the story and remember what happened on each day. 

Week Beginning Monday 16th September 

This week we have been looking at making numbers within 100 using dienes. We notcied that one rod would mean 10 and one cube would mean 1.
We could show different numbers using the dienes. 
Take a look at our class exploring number. 


In our topic, we went on a walk around our local community to see what shops we could see and what jobs/ professions we could find. 
We were lucky to spot lots of shops and lots of jobs. We found;
- taxi drivers (car)
- postman (post office / postvan)
- bus driver (bus)
- train driver (train station)
- delivery man (amazon van/ large food lorries)
- hairdresser (hairdresser)
- barber (barber shop)
- vet (vet clinic)
- dog groomer (grooming salon)
- sales assistants (pink shop, Lola's groceries, premier shop)
- pharmacy (pharmacist/ assistants)

Week Beginning Monday 9th September 


This week the children have been getting used to their classroom, missions and routines. 

RE -  We have started our new topic for the term, Creation and Covenant. We have looked at different types of creation stories from other countries like Australia and New Zealand. We were able to retell their creation story and discuss the differences between their creation stories and ours.  


Maths - We have looked at numbers to 20, 50 and 100 this week, ensuring we are familiar with the position of numbers on a 100 square and number line. 


