Home Learning Week 6 - 11th - 15th May
There was more brilliant work uploaded on Seesaw last week so well done and thank you for the lovely Teacher Appreciation Video . The new homework menu is on Seesaw and added below.
For our maths work we are looking at Week 4 of the home learning on White Rose Maths, this now ties in with the BBC Bitesize daily lessons so you can watch these for additional information and tasks.
In language we are working on The Highway Rat by Julia Donaldson, if you don't have the book it is available to watch on BBC iplayer or you can listen to it being read on Youtube.
For our topic work we are looking at Carnival in Rio de Janeiro. There are videos to watch and a Powerpoint as well. Your masks should be arriving in the post this week so one of your tasks is to decorate these.
Also during the week I will be adding an RE task or two to look at.
Home Learning Week 5 - 4th - 8th May
There was more brilliant work uploaded on Seesaw last week so well done and thank you. The new homework menu is on Seesaw and added below.
This week we will be remembering the 75th anniversary of VE day so the Dessert section of this week's homework menu is linked to that.
For our maths work we are looking at Week 3 of the home learning on White Rose Maths, this now ties in with the BBC Bitesize daily lessons so you can watch these for additional information and tasks.
In language we are working on The Snail and the Whale by Julia Donaldson, if you don't have the book it is available to watch on BBC iplayer or you can listen to it being read on Youtube.
For our topic work we are looking more closely at the animals of the rainforest. I will be adding links to a few different videos this week.
Home Learning Week 4 - 27th April - 1st May
There was lots of brilliant work uploaded on Seesaw last week so well done and thank you. The new homework menu is on Seesaw and added below.
For our maths work we are looking at Week 2 of the home learning on White Rose Maths (NOT SUMMER TERM WEEK 2). In language we are working on Zog by Julia Donaldson, if you don't have the book it is available to watch on BBC iplayer or you can listen to it being read on Youtube.
For our topic work we are looking more closely at one of the most famous statues in the world - Christ the Redeemer which is in Rio de Janeiro. We are also investigating the countries that are neighbours of Brazil - there are 10 altogether.
Through the week I will be adding RE tasks to complete along with the daily maths videos.
Home Learning Week 3 - 20th - 24th April
A new home learning menu has been added to the children's Seesaw Accounts along with the following letter.
Welcome back to another week of home schooling Year 1. I hope you all had a good Easter with your families. It was lovely to see lots of comments from your parents about the staff video.
I’ve added this week’s home learning menu. As always I’d like you to do what you can, but you don’t need to do everything. If you need any help then remember you can add a note for me to your Seesaw page or your parents can email Mrs Taylor (head@stmichaels.wales) who will pass on the message.
We would have been starting our new topic ‘Rio de Vida’ in class; so some of our work will be linked to this; but for our language we will be sticking to familiar texts. I have also added a link to some maths videos on White Rose.
The last thing I wanted to say is how proud I am of all of you. From my end of the computer it looks like you have all been working hard; but also doing wonderful creative things with your families and having plenty of fun.
Keep it up Year One and stay safe,
Love Mrs Williams x
HOME LEARNING WEEK 2 - Focus on Holy Week
Class Topic - Enchanted Woodland
PE - Wednesday
Outdoor Learning - Muddy Mondays @ Forest Schools
Week Six
In language this week we used everything we had learnt to write our own descriptions of Percy the Park Keeper, we had to use describing words and different sentence starters.
We were looking at 2D shape in maths and in RE we were retelling the story of when Mary and Joseph lost Jesus in the temple.
Thank you to all parents who were able to come to the Open day.
The highlight of the week though was our trip to Mountain View Ranch!!
Week Five
In language this week we have been looking at examples of description writing, we looked at how different descriptions were written and identified describing words. .
In our maths we used our recent work on addition and subtraction to look at fact families.
In our topic work we sorted the leaves from different trees, identifying whether or not they were deciduous or evergreen. While in RE we looked at the story of the presentation of Jesus in the temple, when Mary, Joseph and Jesus met Simeon and Anna.
Week Four
This week we thought about how Percy felt at different parts of the story and why he felt that way. We also talked about what the animals thought of Percy and how they would describe him.
For our maths work we made our own subtraction problems and then used our subtraction facts to solve more missing number problems.
In RE we continued thinking about the priest's jobs in church but focussed on the start of the Mass.
Week Three
This week we carried on reading Percy the Park Keeper, we made predictions of what we thought would happen next in the story and gave reasons for our ideas.
In maths we were solving missing number problems and in RE we thought about what Fr Allan does in Mass.
In our topic work we looked at deciduous and evergreen trees and talked about the differences. We also watched a video showing how an apple tree changes through the seasons of the year.
Week Two
This week we came in to class to find a storm had blown through the room and there was a strange collection of objects. We wondered what story they could be a clue to and made predictions - our new books was One Stormy Night about Percy the Park Keeper and his friends. In our maths we were adding a single digit to 2 digit numbers. For our RE work we were thinking about who helps at church and the different jobs that people do there. We also learned about the different parts of trees in our topic work.
Week One
We started the new term by going outside and finding leaves that we could write a new years resolution on before throwing them to the wind. We also looked at our new RE topic 'Special People'. We were thinking about people who help us and the jobs they do. We also talked about who is special to us.
We've also started our new class topic by thinking about what we already know and what we want to learn.
This is the field where the poppies now grow.
A week of remembrance for Year 1 as we joined the school in a two minute observation in remembrance for those who fought for our freedom and still fight bravely.
We used Martin Impey and Hilary Robinson's 'Where the poppies now grow' story to complete book reviews and to explain the importance of wearing a poppy this week in our literacy work and we've created our own class book for Remembrance Day 2019!
We used the green screen to complete our oracy task this week which was to talk about what we saw and heard on Bonfire Night last week and we also wrote poems that described different fireworks and their sounds!
In Maths we've been using the fruit data we collected last week to complete bar graphs and we've also been using 1p, 2p and 5p to find different ways of making 2p,3p,4p,5p and 10p.
We dived back into the world of Roald Dahl this week by watching The Enormous Crocodile in our Golden Time.
We've been practicing really hard on our Christmas concert now that the stage is out in the hall. We can't wait for you to see it!
Letters for our school trip, Christmas concert ticket requests and Christmas concert costume requests have all been sent out this week!
Our School trip in Thursday 21st November.
Plums, Lovely Plums, 8 for £1!
Welcome back! We've loved sharing all our half term news this week but we're excited to be back together in our Year 1 Classroom!
We were sad to see that Paddington had headed off back to London over the half term but we know we'll hear from him soon. Maybe we'll send him a Christmas card?
This half term, we'll be researching a lot closer to home as we look at the history and landmarks of our capital city, CARDIFF! We have booked our first class trip for Thursday 21st November to Bute Park with a trip down to the bay on the Katherine boat.
On Monday we celebrated a healthy schools day and we visited our very own Riverside fruit and veg market with our shopping lists in hand and change in our pockets to purchase delicious fruit for our fruit salads!
We have started to explore the magical world of Roald Dahl by watching The BFG in our golden time and were surprised to see Sophie and The BFG visit our good friend Queen Elizabeth at Buckingham Palace.
In Maths this week we've been working with tally charts. We've been keeping a record of which fruit the children in our class like most, by majority vote, we can announce that Strawberries win the Year 1 favourite fruit award for 2019!
We've also been sorting and identifying different types of coins this week which helped us when we were buying our fruit from the market!
In the creative area we made Firework pictures ready to celebrate and talk about Bonfire Night! We have also started practising our Christmas concert songs, see get ready for unlimited singing at home! Letters will be sent home Monday 11th November regarding tickets and Friday 15th November regarding costumes.
A very busy first week back, enjoy your weekend!
Dear Year 1,
I’ve just enjoyed my last marmalade sandwich, whilst packing my case to return back to the palace!
Thank you for sharing your London adventures with me, I've had a blast! We've read lots of stories, had afternoon tea with the Queen, written letters and even had our very own recreation of the Fire of London but now sadly, it’s time for me to leave!
I’ve enjoyed watching you learn so much already this year and I can’t wait to see which city you visit next! I wonder if you'll have another visitor? Keep me posted!
See you soon!
Paddington Bear x
London Bye Ta-ta!
As always, its been another super busy week in Year 1!
We've definitely earned the half term break after all the writing we've done this week! We've described characters from the Katie in London story, described our favourite London landmark and we've re-written simple sentences from the story adding descriptive words to make them more exciting!
In Maths, we've been investigating one more or less and two more or less than a given number.
In RE, we've been thinking about where we belong. Who do we belong to? Most of us belong to a sports, music or dance club but we all belong to St Michaels! We have made our own class badges to show we all belong to Year 1.
Thank you for sponsoring us this week in our 'Beat the Ball' challenge, we really enjoyed taking part in something so active and different!
It was lovely to see you all at parents evening this week and to see so many of you buying books for the half term from our book fair!
Please enjoy the half term and have lots fun but do take a little time to complete some activities from your homework menu and check out your Bug Club! Plus we've given you two reading books to enjoy whilst you're off!
Thank you for all your support already this year and again, enjoy the well deserved half term! We'll see you back at school on Monday 4th November and we'll find out where the big red bus is taking us next!
London's Calling...
We started the week by receiving an important message from Katie!
She was going to visit London and needed our help to get around.
We wrote itineraries and made green screen videos to send to Katie that were full of information we've learnt this half term. We talked about our favourite London landmarks and tourist places and why they would be fun or interesting for Katie to see. (see video in below post)
'Doubles, doubles, I can add doubles! it's no trouble for me to add doubles!' We've been doubling numbers in maths using conkers and dice! We started with doubling numbers 1-6 and then used 2 dice to be able to double bigger numbers! Check out our favourite song that helps us https://youtu.be/8jOzhiACB68 so that you can double numbers at home!
We've made Grenadier Guards in the creative area and then wrote instructions to on how to make them, perhaps you could make one at home too?
We've also been talking about things we are good and and things we can work on in readiness for Parents Evening this week, we can't wait to see you all!
And FINALLY, on Friday we celebrated our wellbeing day raising money for Young Minds! We took part in a Zumba session which we thoroughly enjoyed and did some mindfulness colouring. In the afternoon, we ticked off another suggestion from our pupil voice board and watched Mary Poppins topped off with a special treat of Cupcakes and Smarties for Miss Davies' birthday!
As we come to the end of the first half term, we'd like to thank you for your support already this year and for the amazing home school tasks that have already been sent in!
Aunt Lucy
The Home for Retired Bears
Darkest Peru
Are you in need of a professional letter writer? If you are, Year 1 is definitely the place to go!
We've been working really hard this week in our Language and Topic books. We've written letters to Aunt Lucy from Paddington telling her all about our adventures so far and in our Topic books we've written a response to Samuel Pepys' letter from King Charles II explaining how he is going to help stop the fire in London.
In Maths, we've been writing number stories for 5, 10 and 20 or finding the missing number in a sum to complete the story.
We've also been very creative painting Tudor style houses for our display and enjoying the outdoor role play of Pudding Lane using the Rosemary, Cinnamon and Lemon playdough to make bread. DELICIOUS!
We've made zig-zag books about the life of Jesus this week in RE. Learning briefly about the Christmas story, Josephs dreams and Simeon and Anna at the temple.
As we come to the end of our RE topic, we've been revisiting our big question, 'why do we have a family and who is my family?' and talking about what we can do to show our family that we love and care for them.
London's burning, Londons burning...
What a week! Firstly, Thank you for coming to our harvest festival on Friday! We loved performing for you and learning songs about the autumn season.
We've been identifying and arranging parts of a letter from Samuel Pepys this week in language ready to write a response next week from King Charles II. We've been making number bonds for 5/10 and 20 with multilink and dominos in Maths
For our Topic work this week, we've learning about fire safety and talking about the fire service of the past and present.
The highlight of our week was recreating 'The Great Fire of London' on the back yard. We built our own Pudding Lane using the house models we made for our home task. Don't forget to check the video below!
Homework Menus!
Our Homework Menus for this term went home last Wednesday and Thursday.
Written and illustrated work can be completed in your child’s purple homework book.
Bring your parents to school day!
Another fun filled week in Year 1!
We loved having our parents join us Wednesday for lots of fun activities linked to our topic! We were excited to show them how we work independently and giving them a
daily insight into what we do in Year 1!
We’ve been working with random numbers and putting them in order up to 10, 20 or 30 in Maths. In Language, we have been continuing to build our word banks of ‘bossy’ verbs and adding positional time language such as then, next, first, after that and finally to a set of instructions.
In RE, we went outdoors to look at and appreciate all the wonderful things God has made. As part of our Go-Givers sessions we made personalised robots to show that we are all different. We loved discussing and sharing our differences and similarities as a class.
We celebrated our saints feast day, St Michael on Friday by learning about his story and why he is important to us. We enjoyed watching the Secret Garden production on Friday afternoon gifted to us by the PTFA! a big diolch to them for a great afternoon!
Don't forget, your house models need to be in class by October 3rd!
Last Friday, Year 1 came home with their first homework task to build a small model house to support our classroom task. These are to be brought into school by October 3rd for the activity to take place!
Diolch! 🔥
A Royal Week!
It's been another exciting week to say the least in Year 1 finishing off the week with a visit from HRH The Queen!
We've been looking a 'bossy' informative verbs and identifying them in a written instructions and added them to our word banks to use throughout Year 1! In Maths, we've been ordering numbers and working with more more or one less than a random number to 10, 20 and 30!
We started talking about important people in RE and why they were important to us. This weeks Forest School involved using natural holistic materials to make 2D pictures of our favourite London landmarks!
And of course we finished the week with a royal visit from The Queen , a Q&A session, lots of singing, fun and Afternoon Tea!
Check out our video for an insiders look!
Vision Week!
We've been busy celebrating our school vision this week, FAITH, ACTION SUCCESS!
We've written our own prayers to ask God for help and also give thanks, got creative and made vision banners to decorate our classroom and together as a Foundation Phase we learnt our new St Michael's Vision song, ready to perform on Thursday 12th September to our family and friends!
Every Monday we visit Forest Schools, this week we went on a hunt to find natural, holistic or man made items that helped us identify describing words. We've ordered numbers to 10, 20 and 50 in Maths and have been writing and sequencing instructions in Language, we've learnt to make a delicious cup of tea!
In RE, we have been exploring our big question - Why do we have a family and who is my family?
'Bright Lights, Big Cities!'
An exciting week in Year 1!
We received a postcard from HRM The Queen! She's coming for Afternoon Tea on the 18th September and until then she's sent her friend, Paddington!
We are all so excited for our adventures as Year 1 already!
Check out our postcard and Paddington's arrival to Year 1!