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The Uniform Exchange

We're doing our bit for the community and the environment!




We welcome 'The Uniform Exchange' initiative to St Michaels in the hopes of providing our pupils, families and community with affordable uniform opportunities during an economic crisis.


Alongside our Uniform Exchange, We continue our Dragon Bag Collections for any additional unwanted and preloved clothing. With this initiative we aim to educate our pupils and empower sustainable decision making within our community in the efforts to Keep Wales Tidy and protect the future of our planet.


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Swap shop poster

Mrs Williams welcomed lots of families at the start of the summer holidays as they donated uniform they no longer needed. She will be at school ready for people to pick up anything they need on Thursday 24th August from 10am until 1.30pm.




We welcomed the Education Minister for Wales, Mr Jeremy Miles, to our school. He was interested to know about the recycling uniform exchange scheme we offer and how it has helped our school community and influenced our future decision making more sustainable to encourage ourselves and others to take care of Wales and the environment.




Our Year 6 children, proudly representing our own Senedd, gave Mr Miles a tour of the school, told him about our school missions, the Jesuit profile, our St Michael's Way, and Wellbeing initiatives. We understand the visit will be linked to an announcement for uniform by the Welsh Government in the coming months.


Don’t forget if you are in need of uniform for the upcoming Summer term, You can collect what you need on Thursday 23rd March before 10:30am at Reception with Mrs Rossiter. 



What a brilliantly generous school community we have! 


BIG THANK YOU to everyone that dropped off or donated this morning. We’ve got some fantastic pre-loved uniform, coats, bags and shoes ready for our shop Monday 5th September


Our Uniform Exchange will be open from 8:30 onwards with Mrs Rossiter on the front desk. You are welcome to come and take any uniform you may need.











Our PTFA donated £100+ worth of school uniform to support the school in their aim to help families with the Cost of Living Crisis in our St Michaels Community!


Please make sure you donate what you can and no longer need, tomorrow, Wednesday 31st August, between 9-12.




Please drop off any generous donations of uniform on Wednesday 31st August 2022, 9-12 and visit our free uniform shop on Monday 5th September 2022 to pick up clothing you need for the year!


Mrs Williams and Miss Davies, leading our initiative, will be on site to accept donations


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Delivery for ST MICHAELS PRIMARY! Our Dragon Bags clothes bank has arrived! We are collecting all your old & unwanted clothes and shoes to turn them into funds for our school!


Spread the word, pupils, parents, friends, parishioners, people of our community you can drop off every Monday-Friday during the school day, 10AM - 2PM!



