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Year 1 - Blwyddyn Un

Welcome To Year 1 



Year 1 Staff 

Class Teacher - Mrs Turner

Teaching Assistant - Mrs Viney

1:1 - Mrs Howells



Forest Schools Wednesday
Summer Topic 

'How does the human body work?'

Diary Dates

Monday 15th April 2024 - Parent evening appointments - face to face

Tuesday 16th April 2024 - Parent evening appointments - face to face

Wednesday 17th April & Thursday 18th April 2024 - Balance bike training

Wednesday 24th April 2024 - Parent appointments - face to face

Monday 22nd April 2024 - Color foto class photographs

Friday 26th April 2024 – Techniquest Trip

Monday 6th May 2024 – Bank Holiday

Monday 27th May 2024 - Friday 31st May 2024 – Half Term

Monday 3rd June 2024 – Inset day

Friday 21st June 2024 - N-YR2 Sports day

Monday 22nd July 2024 – Inset day

23rd July 2024 - September 2024 – Summer holidays




Please also see our school Twitter page @Stmichaels or our class Seesaw account for further information and updates. 



Our Class Learning Journey 

Week beginning Monday 10th June 2024


Mathematics & Numeracy:

During our maths sessions this week, we continued exploring British coins and notes. The children have been working hard to recognise and calculate the value of different amounts. It’s wonderful to see their confidence growing as they solve problems involving money and learn the importance of each coin and note. You can practice this at home by letting them help count change or set up a small shop with toys!


Monster Phonics:

Our Monster Phonics sessions have been buzzing with the 'er' sound this week. The children enjoyed various activities, including identifying words with the 'er' sound, reading stories, and writing sentences. They are becoming phonics experts, and it’s great to see their reading and writing skills develop each day.


Delving into the world of digestion!

As part of our topic, "How does the human body work?", we delved into the fascinating world of digestion this week. The children wrote informative leaflets to explain the process of digestion and labelled diagrams of the digestive system, helping them understand each part's role.


The highlight of the week was our digestion experiment! The children were thrilled to simulate the digestion process, which brought their learning to life in a fun and memorable way. This hands-on activity not only deepened their understanding but also sparked lots of curiosity and questions.

Week beginning Monday 3rd June 2024


Independent Writing:
This week, we've been busy using our independent writing skills to create our half term recounts. The children did a fantastic job of reflecting on their experiences and writing detailed accounts of their activities.


We had fun exploring words with this week's Monster Phonics sound, 'oa', with the help of Miss Oh No! The children enjoyed identifying and using words like "boat," "coat," and "goat" in various phonics activities.


Mathematics & Numeracy:
During our maths sessions, we learned to recognise and identify the value of different British coins. We then used our problem-solving and reasoning skills to explore more complex questions about money, such as making specific amounts with different combinations of coins.


Science Week:
As part of Science Week, we had a blast learning about the effects of gravity and air resistance by making our very own parachutes. The children made predictions and tested how different parachutes worked. Towards the end of the week, we conducted 'pop rocket' experiments by adding water to vitamin C tablets and observed the reactions, discussing the impact of varying the amount of water on the rockets' performance.

Week beginning Monday 20th May 2024


This week in Year 1 has been full of special celebrations!


In our maths sessions, we explored the concepts of wholes, halves, and quarters. The children enjoyed practical activities that helped them understand how to divide shapes and objects into equal parts.


During our language sessions, we recapped our Monster Phonic sounds and high-frequency words learned so far. The children practiced reading and writing with these sounds and words, strengthening their phonics and literacy skills.


We also participated in several collective worship sessions this week. We celebrated Pentecost and held a special prayer service to Mary in our Garden of Faith. The children remembered their own mothers and took part in a beautiful ceremony where we crowned our Lady Mary with a garland of flowers. It has been a week of deepening our knowledge and celebrating our faith together.


Week beginning Monday 13th May 2024


This week we had a special visit from the author Ian Brown, who shared exciting stories about the adventures of Albert the tortoise. The children were captivated by his tales and had a wonderful time listening and asking questions.


In our topic work on the human body, we've been busy exploring and learning about skeletons. With the help of our friendly skeleton model, Boney, the children drew, labelled, and even created their own skeletons. It was a fun and educational experience that helped us understand how our bodies are structured.


We also took our learning outdoors to practice our balance skills. The children worked together in various activities that tested and improved their balance, making the most of the fresh air and sunshine this week.


In maths, our focus was on position and direction. The children practiced their left and right turns as well as clockwise and anticlockwise movements. They especially enjoyed programming the Bee-Bot, working collaboratively to give it the correct instructions to reach its destination.


During our language sessions this week, we continued to practice our punctuation skills, using capital letters, full stops, question marks, and exclamation marks independently.

Week beginning Monday 6th May 2024

This week, we delved into the world of punctuation, mastering capital letters, full stops, question marks, and exclamation marks. We have been applying these skills to both our independent mission activities and focussed tasks whilst exploring fascinating fun facts about the human body. 

A huge thank you to Dougie who played the perfect patient in our 'ur' sURgery this week, helping us explore various 'ur' words whilst making our Monster Phonics sessions super fun and interactive!

During our mathematics sessions, we continued our practical exploration of time, focusing on o'clock and half past times. Through hands-on activities and interactive learning experiences, we deepened our understanding of these fundamental concepts.

This week, we also had the privilege of participating in St. Michael's Pentecost Mass at St. Dyfrig's Church, further exploring the Pentecost story.

Week beginning Monday 29th April 2024


In literacy, we have embarked on an exciting adventure through the world of storytelling by exploring and writing recounts of our recent trip to Techniquest. We've brought our experiences to life on paper, capturing the magic and wonder of our time spent at the science centre. From the fascinating exhibits to the thrilling experiments, each recount has allowed us to reflect on our journey and share our discoveries with others, fostering both our writing skills and our ability to express ourselves creatively.


In mathematics, we've been on a journey through time as we've delved into the concept of telling time using analog clocks. With a focus on o'clock and half past times, we've honed our ability to read and interpret the positions of the hour and minute hands, mastering the fundamentals of time-telling in a fun and engaging way. Through interactive activities and hands-on learning experiences, we've developed a solid understanding of time and its significance in our daily lives.


During our topic sessions, we've embarked on an exciting journey of discovery as we've delved into the intricacies of the human body. Through hands-on activities and interactive learning experiences, we've identified and labelled the different parts of the body, from the head to the toes. This immersive exploration has not only enriched our scientific knowledge but has also fostered a sense of wonder and curiosity about the incredible human anatomy.

Week beginning Monday 22nd April 2024


This week, we have been immersed in the world of poetry, particularly focusing on rhyming poems. We've embarked on an exciting journey of creativity, crafting our very own rhyming poems focussed around the fascinating topic of the human body.


In mathematics, we have delved into the concept of time by exploring the months of the year. Through engaging activities and interactive learning experiences, we've gained a solid grasp of the sequence of months, their names, and their significance within the broader context of time.


We embarked on an exciting journey to Techniquest to delve into the fascinating world of human body and further explore our topic big question, "How does the human body work?" At Techniquest, we engaged in various immersive exhibits and activities designed to deepen our understanding of the human body. We encountered interactive models showcasing the skeletal system, muscular system, circulatory system, and more, allowing us to observe first-hand how these systems function.


Our trip to Techniquest proved to be an enriching and memorable experience, igniting curiosity and inspiring a lifelong fascination with the inner workings of the human body!

Week beginning Monday 15th April 2024


Science & Technology:
This week in Science & Technology, we embarked on an exciting exploration of the human skeleton. We identified and labelled various bones, deepening our understanding of the skeletal system. To enhance our fine motor skills, we got creative and crafted our own split pin skeletons, bringing our learning to life in a hands-on way.


Mathematical Marvels:
During our maths sessions, we dove into the concept of time by ordering the days of the week. Through engaging activities, we explored questions about today, yesterday, and tomorrow, sharpening our understanding of chronological order and the passage of time.


Monster Phonics:
In Monster Phonics, we delved into the sound of the week: 'oo'. Through hands on activities, we mastered reading, writing, and spelling 'oo' words independently, adding new tools to our phonetic skills.


Balance Bikes:

We enjoyed the thrill of improving our balance skills with the balance bikes this week. Through practice and perseverance, we honed our coordination and confidence, laying the foundation for future cycling adventures!


Language, Literacy, and Communication:
In our language sessions, we honed our skills by identifying rhyming words in preparation for crafting our own rhyming poems next week. Through exploration and creativity, we're nurturing a love for language and expression.


Religious Education:
As we concluded our topic on change, we reflected on the Easter story and its message of new beginnings, forgiveness, and the importance of saying sorry. Through discussions and activities, we explored the significance of these themes in our own lives, fostering empathy and understanding.

Week beginning Monday 8th April 2024


What a delightful start to the summer term! This week has been brimming with exploration, discovery, and collaborative learning as we delved into our exciting new topic, 'How does the human body work?'


Topic Exploration: How does the human body work?

We kickstarted the week by brainstorming and sharing our big questions about our new topic, 'How does the human body work?' From unravelling the mysteries of the human skeleton to understanding the complexities of the digestive system, our curiosity knows no bounds! We have been inspired by the magical adventures of Ms. Frizzle and her magic school bus, as we embarked on our first journey into understanding the human body. The magic of storytelling and imagination truly brought our learning to life!


Mathematical Marvels:
This week, we honed our counting skills by navigating the landscape of numbers from 1 to 100. Through engaging activities and problem-solving challenges, we're becoming adept at counting both forwards and backwards independently. Putting our problem-solving hats on, we tackled grid puzzles and pieced together 100-square puzzles, sharpening our logical thinking and analytical skills along the way.


Monster Phonics:
This week, we have we revisited and reinforced our grasp on the following sounds: ch, sh, th, ng, oo and ar as we embarked on the exciting journey of crafting sentences independently.


Religious Education:
During our RE sessions, we delved into the realm of moral and spiritual development. Through engaging activities and role-playing exercises, we explored the significance of saying sorry. Working in small groups, we brainstormed our ideas of how to follow Jesus' example by extending apologies and prioritising the needs of others.

Wishing you all a joyful Easter break!

Easter Homework:


Topic homework: How does the human body work?

The human body is fascinating! Why not visit your local library? choose some books on the human body and practise recognising the different parts of the skeleton or digestive system! Why not research some amazing human body facts online or make a skeleton from cardboard tubes and craft materials?


Reading Practice:

A polite reminder that we encourage you to continue reading with your child daily. Please ensure that reading books are returned to school weekly, allowing us to reinforce their learning in class and promptly exchange books.


Reading is a fundamental skill that lays the foundation for a child's academic success and overall development. By listening to your children read several times a week, you not only provide them with valuable support and encouragement but also help reinforce and strengthen their reading skills.


Week beginning Monday 18th March 2024

Virtual Dinosaur Workshop:

Our week kicked off with an exciting virtual dinosaur workshop hosted by Cardiff Museum – Curious about Dinosaurs. The children had a blast exploring various dinosaur bones and fossils, delving into the fascinating world of prehistoric creatures. It was an interactive and educational session that sparked curiosity and ignited imaginations.


Pupil-led Collective Worship:

Our pupils took the lead in our Collective Worship session this week, sharing the story of Palm Sunday with friends and families. Through storytelling, reflection, and prayer, we deepened our understanding of this significant event in the Christian calendar. It was a beautiful opportunity for the children to showcase their leadership skills and share important messages with their peers and loved ones.


Easter Bonnet Parade:

To end the week, the children showcased their creativity and craftsmanship with their beautifully decorated Easter bonnets, spreading joy and cheer throughout the school. It was a delightful celebration of the upcoming Easter season, filled with laughter, smiles, and a sense of community spirit.


World Down Syndrome Day:

On March 21st, we joined the global celebration of World Down Syndrome Day by engaging in '21 acts of Kindness’. The children embraced the spirit of inclusivity and compassion by performing acts of kindness throughout the day. From helping a friend in need to sharing words of encouragement, each act contributed to creating a more caring and supportive environment within our classroom and beyond.


Week beginning Monday 11th March 2024

Marvellous Maths Manipulatives:

We've immersed ourselves in the world of numbers using our fantastic maths manipulatives. Through hands-on activities, we've been mastering the art of counting in 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s. The children have been enthusiastically exploring patterns and developing a deeper understanding of numerical concepts.


Dougie the Dog Mentor:

Our beloved Dougie the dog mentor has been 'pawsitively' amazing this week! Dougie has been instrumental in boosting our pupils' confidence and reinforcing the importance of keeping our school 'Dougie ready' and litter-free. His presence has been a source of joy and motivation for all.


British Science Week:

We've had a blast celebrating British Science Week by delving into various scientific wonders. From exploring animal adaptations to diving into the fascinating world of dinosaurs, our curious minds have been on an adventure of discovery. We've also had the privilege of participating in live lessons from Science Farm Live, where we've investigated the intriguing question, 'What does a farmer look like?'


Cress Seed Experiments:

Excitement filled the air as we kicked off our cress seed experiments! Through these experiments, we'll be exploring how factors such as light, dark, and water impact seed growth. The children are eagerly anticipating observing the changes and discoveries that lie ahead by making their own predictions.

It's been a week filled with hands-on learning, scientific exploration, and mathematical marvels. We're incredibly proud of the children's enthusiasm and engagement in their learning journey.

Week beginning Monday 4th March 2024

Exploring 'Mother Earth is Weeping':

Throughout the week, we've delved into the pages of our whole-school book, 'Mother Earth is Weeping' by Claire Donald. With eager minds and curious hearts, we've explored the themes of environmental awareness and the importance of taking care of our planet. Using our inference skills, we've become detectives, uncovering the deeper messages hidden within the book.


Litter Pick and Environmental Awareness:

In line with our discussions about caring for the Earth, we embarked on a litter pick around our school grounds. It was a hands-on experience where the children actively participated in cleaning up their environment. Through this activity, we emphasised the principles of reduce, reuse, and recycle, encouraging the children to think critically about their own actions and how they can contribute to a cleaner, greener planet.


World Book Day Celebrations:

On Thursday, we celebrated World Book Day with great enthusiasm! The classroom was filled with an array of characters from beloved stories as the children dressed up as characters from their favourite books. It was a joyous occasion where imagination flourished, and the love for reading was celebrated throughout the school.

Week beginning Monday 26th February 2024


Mathematics & Numeracy:
Our focus this week has been on counting and understanding number bonds. We delved into number bonds up to 5, 10, and 20, enjoying a bit of friendly competition as we aimed to beat our previous 'hit the button' scores!


Topic: Dinosaur Planet:
In our exploration of the Dinosaur Planet, we examined various dinosaur bones and started to dissect the different components of a dinosaur skeleton.


A massive thank you to everyone for the incredible effort put into all the design and technology Eisteddfod entries this week! Your support has been invaluable in helping the children create some truly amazing entries. Choosing winners was certainly no easy task!


We continued practicing our songs and poems in our house groups, relishing every moment of our performances. A heartfelt thank you to all who supported us during our coffee morning on Friday. Together, we raised an impressive £273.80 for our school!


St David's Day:

We’ve been thinking about the life of St David and giving thanks to God for giving him such courage and wisdom. Together we have been remembering all the amazing things he did in his life which have helped us all to think about the ‘little things’ that we can do to make a really big difference.


St David's Day Mass:

We wrapped up the week by participating in our St. David's Day Mass alongside St. Michael's families and friends at St. Dyfrigs church.

Week Beginning Monday 19th February 2024


In mathematics, the focus this week remained on measurement, with an emphasis on using standard units. The children engaged in practical activities where they utilised rulers to measure objects in centimetres. Collaborative problem-solving was encouraged, particularly when faced with challenges such as objects not positioned at 0cm.


Languages, Literacy, and Communication:
Throughout the week, the children continued to hone their phonic skills and apply reading strategies to extract information from various comprehension texts and identify 'real' and 'alien' words.


Topic: Dinosaur Planet:
During our topic investigation, we explored
the dietary habits of various dinosaurs. Using a Venn diagram, the children sorted different dinosaurs into herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores. An intriguing discovery was made, revealing that the majority of dinosaurs were herbivores!


Preparations for the Eisteddfod continued this week as we collaborated within our houses, practicing our various songs and poems. Meanwhile, back in the classroom, we have enjoyed creating various symbols of Wales using different construction materials.


Religious Education:
In our collective worship and RE sessions, the focus remained on the significance of Mass and the concept of being welcomed into the parish family. We explored the ritual of Holy Communion or receiving a blessing together, emphasising the message of God's love.


Overall, it was a week filled with hands-on learning experiences, collaborative activities, and spiritual exploration across various subjects!

February Half Term Homework:


Weekly Spelling Tests:

After half-term, we will be introducing weekly spelling tests every Friday, starting on February 23rd, 2024. Your spelling words will be uploaded to Seesaw weekly.


Eisteddfod Homework Task:

Design & Technology - Please create something that represents Wales, for example, a flag, a model of a Welsh dragon, a love spoon etc. Please see the poster below for further details.


Topic Homework: Dinosaur Planet:

Dinosaurs are fascinating! Why not visit the library, choose some dinosaur books and practise reading and writing dinosaur names together? Alternatively, research amazing dinosaur facts together online. You could also make a mini-Jurassic Park from cardboard boxes and craft materials to make model dinosaurs feel at home!


Reading Practice:

A polite reminder that we encourage you to continue reading with your child daily. Please ensure that reading books are returned to school weekly, allowing us to reinforce their learning in class and promptly exchange books.


Phonics and Number Formation:

Please practice your Monster Phonics speech sounds and actions and accurate number formation using the videos below to support you. These resources will aid your child's practice at home.

Monster Phonics: Pure Speech Sounds

Use this video to teach the initial pure speech sounds. Monster Phonics has been designed by teachers for teachers, supported by a range of comprehensive resources and phonics books that meet the criteria of the Ofsted Primary Framework. The programme offers a systematic multi-sensory way to teach phonics allowing children to advance more quickly.

Number Formation Rhymes

Eisteddfod Design & Technology Homework Task

Week beginning Monday 5th February 2024


  • Visit from Dougie the Dog Mentor: We were thrilled to welcome Dougie the dog mentor to our school this week. To prepare for his visit, we practiced being "Dougie ready" by picking up litter around the school and being calm and patient as we welcomed Dougie into each of our classrooms. In groups, we had the opportunity to create Dougie posters, showcasing his role as a dog mentor to our school visitors.


  • Health and Well-being week: As part of our Health and Well-being week celebrations, we delved into the concept of growth mindset and explored the power of positive affirmations. These activities aimed to nurture our mental well-being and encourage a resilient attitude towards challenges.


  • Internet Safety Awareness: We dedicated time to learning about the importance of staying safe online. Through discussions and activities, we gained valuable insights into online safety practices and designed our own internet safety posters to promote awareness among our peers.


  • Mathematics: In mathematics, we continued our exploration of measurement using non-standard units. Through hands-on activities and group work, we engaged in both collaborative and independent tasks and honed our reasoning and problem-solving skills.

Week beginning Monday 29th January 2024


Eisteddfod Preparation:

This week, we have started practicing in our houses for our upcoming school Eisteddfod. We encourage you to check Seesaw for updates and resources where you'll find a copy of our poem, 'Daffodil,' and our song, 'Arderyn Melyn' to practise at home.


Mathematics & Numeracy:

In mathematics, we have been exploring the world of measurement using non-standard units. The week included a thrilling dinosaur hunt, where we measured dinosaur footprints using paper clips, Multilink, Numicon and counters!


Number Day:

On Friday, we celebrated Number Day with great enthusiasm! We dressed up as our favourite Numberblocks characters and engaged in a variety of fun-filled math activities and games. It was a fantastic way to reinforce mathematical concepts in a playful and enjoyable manner.


RE Topic 4 Celebration:

To mark the end of our RE Topic 4, we engaged in a heart-warming celebration. We decorated biscuits and prepared refreshments, coming together to enact the spirit of the parish family sharing moments of joy and togetherness.

Week beginning Monday 22nd January 2024

This week, we have been showing off our phonic, reading, spelling and maths skills as we took part in various assessments throughout the week. We have also enjoyed practising our punctuation skills by writing captions for our Monster Phonics pictures.


As part of our daily Helpwr Heddiw sessions, we have enjoyed practising our Welsh language skills by taking part in a game of Welsh bingo and practising using phrases such as ‘sut mae twydd heddiw?’. As we have been delving into the world of animals as part of our Science topic, we enjoyed a visit from Amelie's pet axolotl this week! We are looking forward to learning more about amphibians as we explore different animal groups throughout this topic.


We ended the week by making cards for St Dwynwen’s Day and designing our very own dinosaurs.

Week beginning Monday 15th January 2024

This week we have enjoyed getting stuck into our new topic, ‘Dinosaur Planet’ and suggesting various questions we’d like to explore from ‘what did dinosaurs eat?’ and ‘where did they live?’ to ‘what is a fossil?’ We’ve enjoyed exploring our new dinosaur museum, role playing with dinosaurs in the small world and creating our very own dinosaurs with 2D and 3D shapes.


We also enjoyed meeting Dougie, our dog mentor and his owner Miss Curnow from Cardinal Newman this week. We talked about the importance of being ‘Dougie ready’ as a school and discussed various class rules in preparation for Dougie’s visits such as the importance of being calm, quiet and litter free.

Week beginning Monday 8th January 2024

Welcome back Year 1! Wishing you all a very Happy New Year! We’ve had a lovely week hearing all about your Christmas break spent with your families and friends and introducing our new topic…Dinosaur Planet!


Stomp, crash, roar! Watch out – there are dinosaurs about! Yes, that’s right, we’re travelling back in time to the age of the dinosaurs. Let's explore the Dinosaur Planet. Imagine you're a palaeontologist (that's a scientist who studies bones and fossils). Dig deep and discover dazzling dinosaur facts. Create a dinosaur museum and invite visitors to see your awesome dinosaur artefacts. You could even do a dinosaur dance or produce some prehistoric percussion. Which is your favourite dinosaur? The Tyrannosaurus, the Brachiosaurus or the Micropachycephalosaurus? Doyouthinkhesawus? Yes, he did. Run!


This term, we’ll visit a museum, look closely at ancient fossils and study reptiles to understand how dinosaurs may have lived and eventually died out. We’ll learn about the great fossil hunter, Mary Anning, and follow in her footsteps, studying dinosaur teeth and bones to find out what dinosaurs liked to eat. Learning dinosaur names, creating puzzling riddles, writing fantastic fact files and creating exciting dinosaur stories are some of the other activities we’ll be involved in this half term. We’ll also use our artistic skills to make model dinosaurs and to design dinosaur landscapes.


Help your child prepare for this project
Dinosaurs are fascinating! Why not visit the library, choose some dinosaur books and practise reading and writing dinosaur names together? Alternatively, research amazing dinosaur facts together online. You could also make a mini Jurassic Park from cardboard boxes and craft materials to make model dinosaurs feel at home!

Week beginning Monday 18th December 2023

What a fantastic fun-filled last week of Christmas celebrations! We’ve enjoyed breakfast with Santa, exploring the Christmas grotto, enjoyed a delicious Christmas dinner and taking part in various Christmas activities and crafts, ending the week with a Christmas party! Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year spent with your family and friends.

Week beginning Monday 11th December 2023

A huge thank you to all the families and friends who came to watch our Christmas concerts! We had an amazing time performing for you all and hope you enjoyed it just as much as we did!

Week beginning Monday 4th December 2023

This week we have been focussing on the significance of Advent and the importance of waiting. As a class, we made our very own advent calendar to count down to Christmas and worked together to make advent wreaths.

To celebrate the end of our topic on ‘Me and My Community’, we explored the world of Welsh food by making Welsh cakes and tasting other well known Welsh food such as Bara Brith and Caerphilly cheese.

Week Beginning Monday 9th October 2023


Language & Literacy:

In our language and literacy sessions this week, Year 1 students have been delving into the art of letter writing. We've been thoroughly exploring the features of a letter, setting the stage for the exciting task of writing our own letters next week.


Mathematics & Numeracy:

This week, mathematics and numeracy have been all about numbers and addition in Year 1. Through hands-on, practical activities with tools like Numicon, Multilink, and counting bears, our students have been uncovering the joys of addition and doubling. They've been working with number sentences, learning about the addition and equals symbols, and expanding their mathematical horizons.


Expressive Arts:

During our Expressive Arts session, we had the pleasure of immersing ourselves in the world of Welsh artist Rhiannon Roberts. We explored Rhiannon's remarkable watercolour techniques, and the children were inspired by her beautiful artwork depicting local landmarks. Our budding artists applied their own creativity by using soft pastels to create their own masterpieces inspired by Rhiannon's works. The featured landmarks included Pontypridd, Caerphilly Castle, Castle Coch, and Cardiff Bay. This experience allowed our students to express themselves artistically and connect with the cultural heritage of our region.


- Next week, we're eagerly looking forward to the practical task of writing our own letters, applying all that we've learned about letter features.


- In mathematics, we'll continue to explore numbers and expand our understanding of subtraction through engaging activities.


- Our artistic journey will continue as we explore new techniques and artists, nurturing our children’s creativity and appreciation for art.


Thank you for your continued support in your child's educational journey. Have a wonderful weekend!

Week Beginning Monday 2nd October 2023


Language & Literacy:

In our language and literacy sessions this week, our Year 1 students have been busy honing their writing skills. Building on our exploration of community helpers from the previous week, we've delved into writing detailed descriptions of these everyday heroes. Along the way, we've emphasized the importance of punctuation, especially the use of capital letters and full stops. Our young writers have shown remarkable progress in crafting clear and well-structured sentences.


Mathematics & Numeracy:

This week in mathematics, our Year 1 students have been on an exciting journey of numbers! We've been focusing on the concept of "one more" and "one less" than a given number. To make this learning experience even more engaging, we've incorporated number lines and catchy songs. Our students have been singing and hopping along the number lines, making maths a fun and interactive adventure.


Harvest Festival Highlights:

Friday was a truly special day for Year 1. We had the pleasure of welcoming our parents and families to our Harvest Festival celebration. Alongside our Year 2 friends, we put on a heart-warming performance of 'Cauliflowers Fluffy' and 'Dingle Dangle Scarecrow.' The joy and enthusiasm of our students were infectious, and the audience was treated to a delightful show.


One of the most exciting moments of the day was the performance of our very own song, 'Pontypridd.' With the guidance of the Song Writing Doctor, Larry, our Year 1 class created a unique song that truly showcased their song writing skills. The energy and creativity on display were truly impressive, and we want to extend a massive thank you to Larry for his invaluable assistance. Our students had a blast performing their song for their parents and families.


- Next week, we will continue to build on our writing skills, focusing on expanding our vocabulary and sentence structure.


- In mathematics, we'll be diving deeper into number concepts and problem-solving to further develop our mathematical prowess.


- We look forward to more exciting events and activities, including further collaborations with our Year 2 friends.


Thank you for your continuous support and involvement in your child's education. Have a fantastic weekend!

Week Beginning Monday 25th September 2023


Language & Literacy:

During our language and literacy sessions this week, our Year 1 students have been actively engaged in exploring the theme of "People Who Help Us." We have been writing lists of people who play important roles in our lives within our family, school, and local community. This has been a wonderful opportunity for the students to expand their vocabulary and develop their writing skills while recognising the importance of these individuals in our daily lives.


Mathematics & Numeracy:

In our mathematics sessions this week, our Year 1 students have been delving into the exciting world of numbers! We've been comparing and ordering numbers, which has allowed our young learners to practice essential mathematical concepts. They've also been discovering how the value of a number can be determined by the position of its digits, a fundamental aspect of place value. This hands-on experience has laid a strong foundation for their future mathematical journey.


Faith Week - Exploring Judaism:

As part of our exploration of different faiths, this week we have been diving into the fascinating world of Judaism. Our students have had the chance to learn about and appreciate the stories of Abraham, Sarah, and Moses. These stories have not only enriched their understanding of the Jewish faith but also provided valuable lessons in empathy, respect, and cultural awareness.


Buddy Activities with Year 3:

Our Year 1 students have had a wonderful opportunity to collaborate with their Year 3 buddies this week. Together, they explored the inspiring story of St. Michael. The children worked together to brainstorm adjectives to describe St. Michael, enhancing their vocabulary and communication skills. These buddy activities foster a sense of community, mentorship, and teamwork among our students, creating strong bonds and cherished memories.


We look forward to another exciting week of learning and growth in Year 1!


- We encourage parents to continue discussions about "Me and My Community, Wales” theme at home to reinforce learning.


- Stay tuned for more collaborative activities with our Year 3 buddies, fostering strong relationships and peer support.


Thank you for your continued support in your child's educational journey. Have a great weekend!

Week Beginning Monday 18th September 2023


Mathematics: This week in Year 1, our young mathematicians have been hard at work continuing to build and refine their number recognition, formation, and independent counting skills. They have been exploring numbers and quantities through various engaging activities. It's wonderful to see their confidence grow as they become more comfortable with numbers.


Literacy: In our literacy sessions, we've continued to focus on phonic recognition and independent spelling skills. The children have been diving into CVC (Consonant-Vowel-Consonant), CCVC (Consonant-Consonant-Vowel-Consonant), and CVCC (Consonant-Vowel-Consonant-Consonant) words.


Religious Education: During our RE sessions this week, we've been exploring the importance of family and how we can share God's love and care with one another. It has been a heart-warming and thought-provoking experience for our Year 1 class. They've had the opportunity to discuss their own families, share stories, and learn about the values of love and kindness in a faith-based context.


We're excited to see what next week will bring as we continue our journey of learning and growth together.

Week Beginning Monday 11th September 2023


Literacy: This week in Year 1, we have spent time practicing our spelling and phonic recognition. The children engaged in various activities designed to enhance their ability to spell and recognise words independently.


Numeracy: This week, we have been practicing our number recognition and formation. The children have been working on forming their numbers correctly and learning the fundamental skills that will serve as a foundation for future mathematical concepts.


Outdoor Adventures: One of the highlights of the week was our exciting outdoor adventure. We embarked on a series of orienteering activities around the school's outdoor area. the children had the chance to explore, navigate, and solve clues to reach different points. It was a fantastic way to combine physical activity with problem-solving skills, and the children had an absolute blast!


Our outdoor adventures have not only been fun but have also helped us develop teamwork and problem-solving abilities. We're looking forward to another exciting week of learning ahead!


Week beginning Monday 4th September 2023


This week in Year 1, we have had a wonderful time welcoming the children back to school and getting to know them all. We have talked about the importance of being kind, respectful, and responsible members of our class community. We agreed to listen carefully to our teachers, take turns when speaking, and use our indoor voices while inside the classroom. Everyone did a great job of following these rules throughout the week.


Literacy: Our literacy focus this week was on the story of the "Colour Monster." We gathered together and listened to this fantastic tale about emotions and how to deal with them. We talked about how the Colour Monster felt and discussed strategies for handling different emotions. It was a fun and enlightening story time for all!


Writing: In our independent writing activity, "All About Me," we wrote about our families, favourite things, and what makes us unique.


Mathematics: We also had an exciting week in mathematics! Our young mathematicians demonstrated their independent counting skills, working with numbers and quantities. We practiced counting objects and even played some fun counting games.


Outdoor Fun: To celebrate the last of the summer sunshine, we enjoyed a special treat this week. We had a delightful time outdoors, where we savoured delicious ice lollies. It was a perfect way to enjoy the sunshine and bond with our classmates.


Overall, it was a productive and enjoyable week in Year 1. We focused on building a positive and respectful classroom environment, explored emotions through storytelling, practiced our writing and number skills, and had some well-deserved outdoor fun. We look forward to another exciting week ahead!

Week beginning Monday 3rd July

This week marked an important milestone as we had our three-day transition to Year 2! We had the opportunity to meet our new Year 2 teachers for September, Mrs Williams and Mrs Thomas and enjoyed sharing the story, 'All are Welcome' along with solving two maths mysteries! 


Upon returning to Year 1, we continued exploring the concept of capacity. From pouring and filling to comparing and estimating, we've been exploring how different containers can hold  different amounts.


During our RE sessions, we continued our discussions on the importance of being a good neighbour. We shared our thoughts and ideas on how we can show kindness and consideration to those around us and explored various scenarios and considered the impact of our actions on others.


As we approach the end of the academic year, it's important to reflect on the progress Year 1 have made. The children have shown tremendous growth, both academically and personally, throughout the year. We are incredibly proud of their achievements and the positive attitudes they have displayed towards their learning.


Looking ahead, we have exciting plans for the remaining weeks, including taking part in Health and Well-being week to celebrate our time together in Year 1. We will continue to nurture our love for learning, explore new concepts, and cherish the friendships we have formed.


Week beginning Monday 26th June 2023

What an exciting week in Year 1, filled with learning and fun activities. This week, we focused on the importance of being a good neighbour and discussed how we can extend our kindness both locally and globally. We enjoyed engaging in thoughtful discussions on this topic and brainstorming ideas on how we can be good neighbours to everyone around us.


One of the highlights of the week was the Now Press Play Science session on Seasons. We had a fantastic time listening to the interactive audio story, which took us on a journey to explore the different seasons and the changes that occur during each one.


In mathematics, we have been challenging ourselves with independent addition and subtraction tasks. We have been developing our problem-solving skills by solving various math problems on our own.


We are looking forward to continuing our learning journey next week as we meet our Year 2 teachers, Mrs Williams and Mrs Thomas during Transition Week! 

Week beginning Monday 19th June 2023


This week in Year 1, we embarked on some exciting learning adventures and explored various subjects. Our week began with a thrilling visit to the space wonder dome, where we delved into the wonders of the universe. We gazed at the stars, planets, and galaxies, and learned fascinating space facts that left us in awe of the vastness and beauty of outer space.


In Access All Arts week, we dived into the world of illustrator Johanna Basford. We explored our own identities and expressed ourselves through art. Inspired by Basford's incredible work, we created magnificent artworks that showcased our individuality and imagination.


In Literacy, we became budding astronomers as we created our own planet fact files. We researched different planets in our solar system, gathered interesting information, and compiled it into detailed fact files.


During our Maths sessions, we explored the concept of weight using balance scales. We compared and described objects based on their heaviness and lightness, developing our understanding of measurement and reasoning skills. It was engaging to experiment with different objects and observe how the scales tipped in response to their weight.


Our Religious Education sessions centred around the exploration of Islam and the stories of the prophet Muhammed. We learned about the basic beliefs and practices of Muslims, gaining insights into their rich cultural heritage. Through stories and discussions, we developed an appreciation for the teachings of Islam and its values of compassion, peace, and community.


To conclude our week, we delved into the world of Italian music during our Italian session. We discovered the enchanting melodies of the Piccolo Coro dell'Antoniano. Through listening and singing along, we immersed ourselves in the vibrant rhythms and captivating lyrics, expanding our cultural horizons and fostering a love for music from around the world.


It has been a week filled with exploration, creativity, and cultural discovery for our Year 1 class. We have delved into the mysteries of space, celebrated our unique identities through art, expanded our knowledge of different religions, and embraced the melodies of a foreign language. We look forward to more exciting adventures and learning experiences in the weeks to come.

Week beginning Monday 12th June 2023



What a fantastic STEM week exploring the wonders of space!


Language, Literacy & Communication:

This week we focused on the features of fact files. We explored headings, sub-headings, labels, facts, illustrations and photographs and discussed the importance of setting out our work in a clear and organised way.


Mathematics & Numeracy:

In maths, we delved into the concept of turns and directions. We engaged in fun activities such as moving in clockwise and anticlockwise directions around the classroom, turning objects, and following instructions that involved rotations.


STEM Week - Space Exploration:

We celebrated STEM week by immersing ourselves in the wonders of space. We were fascinated by the mysteries of the universe and had the opportunity to design our own rockets. We explored the different planets and learned interesting facts about each one. As part of our space exploration theme, we introduced scientific predictions. We made predictions about our very own rocket, Rocky 1 and used our knowledge of science and reasoning skills to make informed guesses about what would happen when we mixed vinegar and bicarbonate of soda. This helped us to develop our critical thinking skills and learn about the importance of making educated predictions in scientific investigations.

Week beginning Monday 5th June 2023


This week in Year 1, we enjoyed working together in our house teams for Sports Day. We participated in various activities and games and were cheered on by our teachers, friends and families! We had a fantastic morning with you all!


In our literacy lessons, we focused on reflecting on our time in Year 1. We wrote about our favourite memories, the things we learned, and the progress we made throughout the year. It was a wonderful opportunity to express our thoughts and emotions through writing, and we enjoyed sharing our reflections with each other.


In our topic and maths work, we delved into the fascinating world of seasons. We learned about the four seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. We explored the characteristics of each season and discussed the changes that occur in nature during these times. Through engaging activities and discussions, we gained a better understanding of the seasonal cycle and the impact it has on the world around us.


Our outdoor area continued to be a source of joy and excitement for us. We spent time exploring our mission challenges, engaging in hands-on activities that stimulated our curiosity and problem-solving skills. It was a fantastic opportunity to apply what we've learned in a practical and interactive manner.


To top it all off, we ended the week with a delightful treat! We enjoyed some refreshing ice lollies in the sunshine! It was a wonderful way to relax and celebrate a week filled with learning, teamwork, and outdoor adventures.

Foundation Phase Sports Day!
Wednesday 7th June 2023
A polite reminder, please remember to wear your house colours on the day!

(the same colour as Eisteddfod day)

Week beginning Monday 22nd May 2023


This week, we have continued to explore the concept of halves and quarters in maths. Through various activities and interactive sessions, we have been developing our understanding of these fractions and how they relate to different objects and shapes. We have been using various manipulatives and visual aids to support our learning, helping us grasp the concept of sharing equally and dividing things into equal parts.


In language, we have been developing our independent writing and punctuation skills. We have been practicing writing sentences and descriptions, focusing on using capital letters, full stops, and other basic punctuation marks correctly. Our creative writing tasks have encouraged us to express our ideas and imagination through written words, allowing us to grow as confident writers.


As part of our topic work on 'how things work?', we have embarked on an exciting journey to explore the human body. We have been delving into the fascinating world of anatomy, learning about different organs, their functions, and how they work together to keep us healthy and functioning. We have been engaged in hands-on activities, such as creating models and puzzles, to deepen our understanding of the human body and how it works!


We finished off the week by practising for our Foundation Phase Sports Day on Wednesday 7th June. A polite reminder, please remember to wear your house colours on the day! (the same colour as Eisteddfod day)

Week beginning Monday 15th May 2023

In literacy this week, we have been focussing on improving our punctuation skills. We have been learning about the importance of using capital letters and full stops in our writing. This week we have used the picture of ‘the mechanical octopus’ to stimulate our imagination! We thought carefully about who might have created the octopus and explored the different objects in the picture. Using our independent writing skills, we composed descriptive sentences, using capital letters and full stops.


During maths sessions this week, we have been exploring fractions in practical situations. We have engaged in various activities and used different representations to understand fractions better. We have explored halves and quarters, learning how to identify and represent these fractions in different ways.


In science, we have been exploring how plants grow by planting our own seeds and observing the different stages of plant growth. We have been documenting our observations and wrote a step-by-step guide to explain the process. Through this hands-on experience, we have deepened our understanding of plant’s life cycle and the factors that contribute to their growth.


A huge congratulations to everyone in Year 1 who beat their spelling scores this week! You have shown dedication and perseverance in your efforts to improve your spelling accuracy both in school and at home.

Week beginning Monday 8th May 2023

During our maths sessions this week, we have been focussing on developing our counting skills by learning to count in multiples of 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. We have made good progress this week in understanding the concept of skip counting and are becoming more confident in counting in multiples.


In literacy, we have exploring features of explanation texts. As part of our writing practice, we have been working on composing explanations on how seeds grow. We have been working on our descriptive language, sequencing and sentence structure to write simple explanations.


During RE sessions this week, we have continued to focus on the Holy Spirit and its role in guiding Jesus’ followers. We worked collaboratively to write a prayer to the Holy Spirit, specifically asking for help and guidance in sharing the Good News of Jesus. We reflected on the teachings of Jesus and recognised the importance of spreading his message of love and forgiveness.


During our PE session this week, we have been practicing our balancing and co-ordination skills. We have worked both independently and in pairs to improve our balance, stability, and motor skills.

Week beginning Monday 1st May 2023


What a fantastic week it has been in Year 1! We have been making memories while diving into the world of Coronation traditions and exploring the delightful story of "The King's Pants" by Nicholas Allan.


Our creativity was on full display as we designed our own regal pants for the King, creating our very own royal washing line!


In preparation for King Charles III's Coronation, we immersed ourselves in learning about the Coronation traditions. We decorated our own crowns and wrote letters to the King, filled with thoughtful questions.


During our maths sessions this week, we have been building our confidence with addition and subtraction by using the abacus, bead strings and our knowledge of number bonds to 10 to help us work out the answers.


This week, we have combined our RE and PE sessions by working together to create a dance performance showing the sequence of the events of Pentecost Day and celebrated the opening of our beautiful Garden of Faith by Mrs Taylor and Pastor Gareth.


We finished off the week with our very own Coronation party including cake, dancing and a game of King Splat!  

Week beginning Monday 24th April 2023


This week we have been on an amazing Science adventure using Now Press Play! During our session on plants, we had to find out where was the best place to plant the last remaining bulbs and seeds in order to save the village from disaster! We learnt about the suitable growing conditions for plants (soil, water, light and temperature) and used our listening and teamwork skills to successfully save the village from disaster!


In Maths, we have been exploring number lines and 100 squares to identify missing numbers and patterns. Whilst during our language sessions, we have been practising using our initial sounds and blends to write and extend sentences independently.


We had a fantastic trip to Techniquest on Thursday with the rest of PS2! We were able to explore various STEM activities throughout the day, experiment for ourselves and work together to solve puzzles! Our favourite exhibitions were the hurricane and earthquake simulators! A HUGE thank you to Mrs Flowerdew and Mrs Musa for volunteering for the day!

Week beginning Monday 17th April 2023


Welcome back! We hope you all had a restful Easter break. We started off the week by writing recounts of our Easter holidays and sharing our experiences and adventures with each other.


In maths, we have been finding one more and one less than a given number. We extended this concept by using a 100 square to find 10 more and 10 less than a given number, which helped us to understand number patterns and relationships better.


During our RE topic, we have been exploring holidays and holydays, discussing the importance of different celebrations and their significance in different cultures and religions.


As part of our language lessons, we wrote conversations with our buddies in Welsh and uploaded them to Puppet Pals. We practiced basic greetings such as 'Pwy wyt ti?' (who are you?) and 'Sut wyt ti?' (how are you?). It was a fun way to practice our Welsh language skills and interact with our classmates.


We look forward to getting stuck into our new topic next week, on 'How Things Work' and being inspired with our trip to Techniquest!

Week beginning Monday 27th March 2023


This week in Year 1, we had a fun and eventful week filled with Easter-themed activities and celebrations. As part of their homework task, the children enjoyed decorating their bonnets with colourful ribbons, flowers, and Easter eggs. They proudly showed off their creations during the parade and were excited to see their friends' bonnets too.


In our English lessons, we practiced our punctuation skills with the Now Press Play interactive session. The children were engaged as they listened to the story and had to use their punctuation knowledge to help the characters in the story. This interactive session was a fun way for the children to reinforce their punctuation skills.


We also got creative in our RE lessons as we created our own Easter gardens. The children used materials such as grass, twigs, flowers, and pebbles to create their miniature gardens. This activity allowed the children to express their creativity and learn about the symbolism of Easter.


During our RE lessons, we learnt about the significance of Good Friday and Easter Sunday. The children learnt about the events leading up to Easter and why it is an important time for Christians. They showed good understanding and asked thoughtful questions.


On Friday, we had a special visitor - the Easter bunny! The children were excited to see the Easter bunny and received some chocolate treats. They then went on to create their own Easter cards in English, Welsh and Italian! This was a great opportunity for the children to practice their language skills and create something special for their loved ones.


We have had a wonderful week filled with Easter-themed activities and celebrations. The children were engaged and enthusiastic throughout and showed great creativity and understanding.


Have a restful Easter break and we look forward to welcoming you all back to school on Monday 17th April!

Week beginning Monday 20th March 2023


This week in Year 1, we have been exploring the features of an analogue clock and have been practising how to recognise o'clock and half past times. The children have enjoyed learning how to tell the time and have been practicing at every opportunity.


In RE, we have been learning about the story of Palm Sunday. The children have been discussing the significance of this event and what it represents for Christians. They have also been learning about the symbolism of the palm branches and how they are used during this important celebration.


During our Literacy lessons, we have been using the Now Press Play program to become knights and retrieve King Cole's crown stolen by the Goblin King. This has been a great way for the children to engage with their learning and has provided them with a fun and interactive way to develop their literacy skills.


In addition to this, we have also been learning about the similarities and differences between myths and legends as we worked together during our myths and legends hunt. This has been a great way to develop our critical thinking skills and our ability to identify key features of different genres.


Finally, during our Science lessons, we have been working together to find the answers for our end of topic quiz all about animals, including humans. The children have enjoyed this interactive and engaging way of consolidating their learning and have demonstrated excellent teamwork skills.


Overall, it has been a busy and productive week in Year 1, and we are looking forward to continuing our learning journey next week.

Week beginning Monday 13th March 2023


This week in Year 1, we have been busy learning new skills and knowledge in different subjects.

In Maths, we have been focusing on counting in multiples of 2's, 5's and 10's. We have practiced counting using different methods such as using number lines, counting objects, and chanting the multiples. This has helped us to strengthen our number sense and arithmetic skills.


We have been preparing for Mother's Day by creating cards in English, Welsh and Italian! We learnt how to write a simple greeting, express our love and appreciation for our mothers, and decorate the cards using different materials. This has been a fun and creative activity that has allowed us to practice our writing, language and cultural awareness skills.


During our RE lessons, we have been learning about Ash Wednesday, which is an important day in the Christian calendar. We have been exploring the meaning behind this day and its significance for Christians. We learnt about the ashes that are used on Ash Wednesday. The ashes are made from the burnt palms from the previous year's Palm Sunday. The ashes are then placed on the forehead in the shape of a cross, as a symbol of repentance and renewal.


We also discussed the importance of making personal sacrifices during Lent. The children shared ideas of things they could give up, such as sweets or screen time, as a way of making a sacrifice and focusing on their faith.


We learnt that Ash Wednesday is a solemn day and that Christians may attend church to receive ashes on their forehead. We also talked about the different ways in which Christians may observe Lent, such as through prayer, fasting, and charitable acts.


We have gained a deeper understanding of the significance of Ash Wednesday and its importance to Christians. 


Week beginning Monday 6th March 2023

Another fun filled week this week started with our World Book Day celebrations. We joined together with our KS2 buddies to share our favourite books, dressed in our pyjamas and shared our stories with our classmates.


We have also been working hard to improve our spelling, handwriting and comprehension skills this week. We have worked on forming our letters and words correctly and neatly whilst developing different strategies to support us with our reading and comprehension skills.


In Science, we have been learning about the five senses – sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch and how they help us to understand and interact with the world around us.


As part of our topic work this week, we listened to the story of the Legend of Robin Hood and made comparisons with Robin Hood and the Sheriff of Nottingham. We compared the two characters by exploring their similarities and differences.


During our Italian lesson, we explored the colourful creature, the Barbapapa and followed instructions to create our own dragon pictures.


To finish off the week, we experimented with oil pastel and applied different techniques to create our sun pictures, using a range of colours and textures.

Week beginning Monday 27th February 2023


What a fun-filled week back to school! This week we have been learning all about our Welsh culture and traditions by taking part in our whole school Eisteddfod. We celebrated our Welsh heritage by showcasing our talents from singing a selection of Welsh songs, reciting poems and demonstrating our design, creative and handwriting skills.


On Wednesday we took part in a whole school Mass at St Dyfrig’s where we joined together to remember the patron saint of Wales, St David.


Back in class, we have been exploring the values of different coins and using our addition skills to work out total amounts. We have enjoyed working together to practise different Welsh phrases during our Welsh sessions including asking and answering 'Sut mae'r tywydd heddiw?' and 'Beth wyt ti'n gwisgo?'


To celebrate the end of our week, we dressed in red and wore traditional Welsh costumes to show our pride for our country and embrace together the community we belong to.

Please check your Seesaw account to find out which house you’ll be representing at Wednesday’s Eisteddfod.

Week beginning Monday 13th February 2023


This week we have been learning about who St Valentine was and thinking of ways we can show love to one another by our actions.


We enjoyed our music session with Gareth the song man and learnt about different Welsh music and traditions.


In RE we have been learning about what happened during the last supper and sang the 'Our Father' prayer together.


We have also enjoyed following a step by step guide of how to draw a Welsh castle and coloured them with pastels in the style of the artist, Gayle Rogers.


To finish off the week, we planted sunflowers together and talked about how we are all unique!

Week beginning Monday 6th February - Health and Well-being week!


This week we have been listening to the Welsh legend of Gelert, the loyal dog of Prince Llywellyn. We worked independently to think of adjectives to describe Gelert and made puppets to retell the story in our own words.


In maths, we have been learning to recognise and name coins from 1p - £2. We explored the different colours, size, shape and values of the coins and learnt to recognise the pound and pence symbols.


During our Italian session, we learnt about la storia de Arlecchino and the different characters. We enjoyed learning a new song and dancing to the beat of the music.


As part of Health and Well-being week, we have looked closely at how we connect with people, who we connect with and how it makes us feel. We enjoyed listening to the story 'Lost and Found' by Oliver Jeffers, about a boy and a penguin and their growing friendship. At the end of the week we celebrated by reflecting on our busy week and enjoying ice lollies together.

Week beginning Monday 30th January 2023


What a busy week we've had! On Monday and Tuesday, we enjoyed welcoming our parents into class where we shared our creative skills by designing our own dragon eggs and discovered which animals are carnivores, omnivores and herbivores during our science session. We had lots of fun sharing our classwork with you all! A huge thank you to all of the families who joined us!


We have also enjoyed experimenting with our writing skills this week by using different adjectives to desrcibe our dragon pictures. In maths we have continued to experiment using number lines and a 100 square to practise our counting on and counting back skills.


To conclude our RE topic on special people, we gathered together like the parish family to share biscuits and squash and reflect upon the special people who help us.


We ended the week by celebrating Number Day and dressing up as the characters from Ten Town and taking part in various number based activities throughout the day! 


Week beginning Monday 23rd January 2023


This week we continued to explore the book, 'Tuesday' by David Wiesner. We wrote simple explanations to describe each step of the life cycle of a frog using time connectives to make our writing more exciting.


We enjoyed working independently to follow instructions to create our own split pin paper frogs and have been working hard to improve our handwriting and spelling skills with the indroduction of handwriting books and weekly spelling tests.


In mathematics, we have been practising our addition and subtraction skills by using a number line to count on and back. As part of our mission challenge this week, we revisted previous learning by working independently to order and recite the days of the week and months of the year.


On Friday, we enjoyed learning a new song with our Italian teacher, Signora Prettegiani and drawing self portraits.

Congratulations to our #Golden rules and #Jesuit winners this week! 

Week beginning Monday 16th January 2023


This week we celebrated STEM week where we have been focussing on unplugged tasks, coding and exploring the life cycle of a frog!


Life Cycles!

This week, we exlpored the life cycle of a frog which linked to our whole school book, 'Tuesday' by David Wiesner. As a class, we looked at the different stages of a frog's life from frogspawn to adult frog. We worked together to create our frog life cycle display by painting some frogspawn, a tadpole, froglet and adult frog. Then we labelled and ordered each stage of the life cycle and wrote sentences for each step. We also found out lots of interesting facts about frogs! Did you know frogs have ears? Males have bigger ears than the females and they can be found behind their eyes!




This week we have been using coding to think about how we communicate and give instructions to computers. We listened carefully to follow simple instructions to move in different directions and enjoyed practising our left and right. We then worked independently to give simple instructions to our friend, Flurb, to allow him to reach the fruit. We used words like up, down,  left and right.



Week beginning Monday 9th January 2023


Wishing you all a very Happy New Year! We hope you all had a restful break. It has been lovely to welcome the children back to school and hear all about their Christmas holidays. We look forward to getting stuck into our new Spring term topic, ‘The Power of Reading: Myths and Legends’.


During this topic we are going to learn about:

• What is a myth and a legend?

• Do stories have to be real?

• Are all stories magical?

• Traditional Welsh myths and legends.

• Castles and dragons.


Please continue to listen to your child read every day at home to allow them to practise the strategies we have been teaching them in school and build upon their confidence and communication skills.


We will begin weekly spelling tests this week, starting on Friday 27th January 2023. These will then be uploaded to Seesaw every week in prepartion for testing every Friday.


This term we will be using the Ten Town resource in class to help with our number formation and addition and subtraction skills. Please read the information sheet below to familiarise yourself with the characters.


We are very lucky this term that we have an Italian Teacher, Signora Prettegiani coming into class every Friday to help teach us key phrases and songs in Italian! This week she shared with us the 'True Story of La Befana'. The children enjoyed acting out the story and began to learn the song, 'Trullalla'.


Week beginning Monday 5th December 2022

This week we have been busy putting the final touches to our Christmas concert alongside Nursery and Reception.


In Literacy, we have been writing our letters to Father Christmas after a visit from Elvis the elf whilst in maths we have we have continued to explore, name and build 3D shapes as part of our mission challenges and practise our number bonds to 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10!


In RE sessions we have continued to talk about the importance of Advent and look at Mary’s visit from the Angel Gabriel.


We also enjoyed a fantastic Christmas dinner together this week!


We can’t wait to see you all in our Christmas concerts next week. We have been doing lots of practising and trying really hard. We look forward to welcoming you all to school next week to show you what we’ve all been working on!

Week beginning Monday 28th November 2022

This week we have been preparing for our Christmas concert by rehearsing our songs and parts alongside Nursery and Reception.


We continued to finish our speeches of encouragement for team Wales by recording them using Chatterpix.


In Literacy, we have been practising our comprehension skills by reading and answering specific questions. We needed to look closely at the text and find the answers. Whilst in maths we have been exploring, sorting and naming 3D shapes and comparing them to 2D shapes.


In RE we have been talking about Advent and how we prepare and get ready for the arrival of Jesus. We have been learning about the Advent Wreath and made our own as a class.


We ended our week with a fantastic visit to see Father Christmas at the Rhondda Heritage Park. We all loved exploring Santa’s toy mine and following the clues to find him! We were all very lucky to receive an early Christmas gift too!

Week beginning Monday 21st November 2022

This week we have been making direct comparisons and measuring using non-standard units. We have enjoyed measuring beanstalks, objects around the classroom and one another using paper clips, multilink, counters and lolly pop sticks!


We have also been cheering on team Wales and celebrating their achievement of getting to the World Cup by writing our own speeches of encouragement after being inspired by the examples from Year 6!


As part of our Science investigations this week we have been testing out different materials in order to find out which ones are waterproof in order to keep our dinosaurs dry!

Week beginning Monday 14th November 2022

We started the week by wearing 'odd socks' to school and chatted about what makes us all unique and special. We then designed our own pair of odd socks to showcase what makes us all unique.


In maths, we have been exploring and making teen numbers by building towers, drawing pictures and writing equations!


In topic, we have been looking at our dream jobs and how we can achieve them. We could tell each other what we would like to be and describe the various skills and qualities that we would need - for example, to be a vet, you would need to be kind, caring, love animals and patient.


This week we have also been learning about Judaism and finding out about the Jewish day of rest, Shabbat and listened to the story of Abraham and Sarah.


We also enjoyed welcoming a special visitor to our outdoor area from a very curious hedgehog!

Week beginning Monday 7th November 2022

What a busy first week back after half term! This week we have enjoyed listening to the story ‘Where the Poppies Now Grow by Hilary Robinson and talking about the bravery of the soldiers Ben and Ray. We offered opinions and gave reasons why we thought they were brave and talked about the significance of the poppy’ during our collective worship sessions.


As part of our mission activities this week, we designed, coloured and created our own Remembrance Day medals including the words, ‘Lest We Forget’.

Week beginning Monday 24th October 2022

This week we have listened to the story of Rosa Parks and worked independently to sequence and retell the story of her struggle for racial equality.


During our maths sessions, we have been learning to match numerals and words to 20 and have had fun building, analysing and interpreting data from block graphs.


As part of our new RE topic, we have started to learn about the different parts of a baptism and enjoyed looking at the children’s own baptism photos together.

Congratulations to our #Golden rules and #Jesuit winners this week! 

Week beginning Monday 17th October 2022

This week we have been using adjectives to describe popular fashion from the 1970's! The children have enjoyed thinking of their own adjectives to describe everything from chunky platform shoes to brightly patterned flares!


During our maths sessions we have been exploring 2D shapes and their properties. The children have created their own 2D shape pictures using coloured paper and lollipop sticks and created their own 2D shapes out of everything from conkers and pine cones to shaving foam and chalk!

Congratulations to our #Golden rules and #Jesuit winners this week! 

Week beginning Monday 10th October 2022

This week we have been busy writing thank you letters and cards to M&M Productions for their performance of the Jungle Book and practising doubling numbers independently whilst signing along to our doubling song.


We've also been exploring artefacts and photographs from the past and comparing them to the present.

Week beginning Monday 3rd October 2022

Another fun filled week in Year 1! This week we have enjoyed watching the Jungle Book, practised our number bonds to 5, 10 and 20, used our phonic skills to spell new words and developed our rugby skills with Claire and Fran.


We've also been exploring the properties of different materials and learning about different toys that were popular during the 1970's including the Chopper, Magna Doodle, Space Hopper and Stretch Armstrong!

Congratulations to our #Golden rules and #Jesuit winners this week! 

Week beginning Monday 26th September 2022, Vision week!


This week we've been talking about our school vision and thinking about what 'Faith, Action and Success' means to us. We talked about having faith in ourselves, our friends, families and God.


We reflected on our 'bucket filler' activity from week 1 and talked about how by taking action and always trying our best we can make the world a better place.


We wrote a class prayer to St Michael and spent time in the chapel talking about how he protects us all.


We've also loved celebrating the 1970's this week by looking at old photographs of our school from the past and perfecting our groovy dance routine with the help of the sounds of Abba!

Congratulations to our #Golden rules and #Jesuit winners this week! 

Week beginning Monday 19th September 2022


This week, Year 1 have been writing sentences about objects from the 1970's, ordering numbers, developing their rugby and teamwork skills and learning how to classify different materials in science. 


We have also continued our discussion on how we can show love and compassion this week during our class collective worship by listening to the story of the Good Samaritan.

Congratulations to our #GoldenRules and #Jesuit winners this week! Llongyfarchiadau! 

Week beginning Monday 12th September 2022


What a fantastic #STEM week! This week, Year 1 have been designing and building their own rockets, making predictions about different materials and learning how to train like astronauts!


We have also had some wonderful discussions about how we can show love, care and compassion within our families whilst also remembering and saying prayers for the late Queen Elizabeth II.

Congratulations went to our #GoldenRules and #Jesuit winners for this week! Llongyfarchiadau! 
