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Autumn Term

This term we will be taking part in class and whole school collective worships linked to the many Feast and Holy Days that take place at this time of the liturgical year. 



Following our whole school Monday worship as we enter Advent, our foyer welcomes all and reminds us of the joy of Christmas as we prepare for the birth of our Saviour, Jesus.


Thank you to Pastor Gareth for including us in the weekends Mass at St Dyfrigs, as he launched Our Lady of the Valleys' School Support Fund. Thank you and Da dawn to the children who were able to take part and to Mrs Williams for sharing the readings.



As we come back together after the half term, we remember All Saints and All Souls. We pray for those who are no longer with us and live forever in Heaven with Jesus.


Our whole school assembly with Mrs Taylor this week celebrated the beginning of October and the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. Year 6 helped with readings as we said the Rosary together.



We shared Mass with our Parish community as we celebrate the Feast Day of Ss Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. Pastor Gareth blessed our Prayer Bags that will go home each week for those following the Jesuit Virtues 


On this special day, we ask St. Michael, protector and leader of the heavenly hosts, to guide us in our battles and inspire us to embrace courage and faith. 


Returning to school after the summer with a productive Inset Day. We began with a prayer service asking for strength and confidence to work together with our community keeping each child’s smile alive.

