House Saints
This academic year, 2024-2025, sees the return of our termly House cups. Each term the children will take part in a variety of activities with their efforts contributing to their House.
The House cups this year will be awarded for:
Autumn Term - Jesuit Virtues
Spring Term - Eisteddfod
Summer Term - Sports Day
Alongside this renewed initiative, as a school we have agreed to rename our Houses. Mark, Matthew, Luke and John, the Gospel writers, will now be our House Saints alongside a colour.
Class Saints
This year we have introduced class Saints. Each class has a dedicated Saint as part of their work on developing an understanding of vocation and the historically significant figures in the Catholic Church. This year, the People of God were chosen by Mrs Williams (RE lead) Miss Davies and Mrs Sims. Going forward, each year the children will help to choose the People of God so that gender, location and nationality are all considered and children of St Michaels can see the vastness of our faith historically and geographically.
Each class will hold a collective worship on/near the Feast Day of their Class Saint to the school community.