Friday 4th October 2024
Celebrating the end of Vision Week with family and friends. We took the produce from our harvest this week into the hall to show everybody God's beautiful creations. We sang 'Who made the twinkling stars?' after exploring our virtues, curious and active. Thank you to everybody that came to support us and celebrate the end of an important week at St Michaels.
Thursday 3rd October 2024
We've been exploring the question,
'How do I know I go to a Catholic school?'. We thought about the aspects of our school life that are new to us as we start our education journey. We talked about the ways we share and celebrate our faiths and virtues throughout the different places and times of year.
Wednesday 2nd October 2024
We've been answering the Jesuit question 'How am I Curious and Active?' this week. As the newest additions to St Michaels, we know that we are growing to be curious about everything. We have loved exploring our new environment but noticed that it is changing. We were curious about who made all the things in our world. We listened to the story of Creation and then got active and went outdoors to find creations of God.
Tuesday 1st October 2024
We've been talking about our school vision, FAITH, ACTION SUCCESS.
We made a 'Shield of Faith', like St Michaels, to help us and explored our 'Golden Rules'. We recognised these are actions are the things we need to do to be successful.
Monday 30th September 2024
We gathered for our collective worship this morning to celebrate the Feast of St Michael. We listened the story of 'Lottie, St Michael and the Dragon' and heard that we must be brave like St Michael. Our mission going forward, is that we will always embrace our journey through St Michaels school with courage in our pockets!
We worked with our Year 6 buddies to ask St Michael to protect us from all things scary!
Sunday 29th September 2024
Miss Davies was excited to see some of our Nursery children joining us for Mass at St Dyfrigs as we celebrate the Feast Day of St Michael, our school Saint with our Parish and school community.
A faith-filled start to our Vision week.